
Mihandr - BlogBase set up a VDS

Base set up a VDS

Hi, everyone! In this post we will set up our VDS/VPS for personal use, in particular for the deployment of our web projects.


First we need to download .iso image of the operating system. I recommend using Debian, for the following reasons:

  1. Smooth update
  2. Safe
  3. Wide equipment support
  4. Ubuntu, Knoppix, Pureos, Steamos or Tails used Debian as a basis.

And so on...

We go to the official distribution site and download the image of Debian 12 BookWorm.

Once booted, create a bootable USB drive with the image, insert it into the VDS and install Debian 12.

Important! When installing and selecting programs that will already be pre-installed on the system after installation, you must uncheck GNOME, Desktop Debian and check the SSH server boxes. Otherwise the visual desktop will be installed.

Next, rack mount the server and move on to our work computer.

Base set up

Connect to our server via ssh using the command:

ssh [username]@[server ip]

The commands that you just need to paste into the shell and execute are written line by line below. I don't think it is necessary to explain what they do, as it is very simple.

1sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
2sudo apt install nodejs
3sudo apt install npm
4sudo apt install git
5npm i -g pnpm

Docker installing

If you don't know what docker is, you are objectively a bad developer. I advise you to study it.
I wrote a micro script to quickly install docker. All you need to do is download the file and run it with sudo permissions.

The end

Congratulations, we have successfully completed the basic setup of the VDS server. In the next posts I will tell you how to configure CloudFlare Tunnels so that DDoSer would suck!